Building durable businesses in a disruptive world

Building durable businesses in a disruptive world


The complex challenges of our modern era demand leaders with the ability to balance the urgent with the essential, to navigate the intricacies of a rapidly evolving world. The pressing issues of today, such as climate change, global health crises, geopolitical instability and technological disruptions, necessitate leaders who can transcend short-term gains and envision solutions that resonate across generations. We hear these demands echoed not only within business life, but they also apply to our political leadership. So how can leaders strike this balance and build resilient organisations that can perhaps even come out stronger than before?

We have been honoured at Alumni to recently have been able to host a summit assembling a distinguished panel of leaders and scientists representing experiences from both private and public sectors, to engage in a dialogue on the challenges we face today. It seems that we are many who believe that things will still get worse before we see a turn for the better. The challenges ahead are interconnected, and it is the synergy of diverse perspectives and a shared commitment to the greater good that will pave the way for sustainable and transformative solutions.

Our panel consisted of:

  • Klas Eklund (Chief Economist)

  • Lisen Schultz (Sustainability Scientist)

  • Anders Thornberg (National Police Commissioner for the Swedish Police Authority)

  • Danica Kragic Jensfelt (Professor of data science and professional board member)

Solutions that help pave the way

We are currently experiencing an extraordinary situation, with many crises occurring simultaneously in combination with rapid technological developments. Looking to the past for lessons learned is not a viable option when we now need to find entirely new solutions and oftentimes without being able to fully gauge the potential outcome.

Clarity on strategic direction is more important than ever to help guide our organisations and our society toward specific goals and objectives. We need the roadmap to help align our efforts, in a collaborative approach with individuals working together across departments and organisations. Effective resource allocation is crucial allowing leaders to prioritise initiatives and is dependent on that clear strategic vision. Keeping that strategic, forward-looking perspective top-of-mind will help leaders to better predict potential obstacles, increasing the likelihood of more effectively responding to both opportunities and threats.

A multidisciplinary approach and collaboration is key. We must now dare to address the challenge and break down hierarchies and boundaries in organisations, allowing us to adapt more quickly. With more nuanced and diverse input, our solutions will end up being more successful and long-term. Building a culture that feels safe and securing psychological safety will help provide the optimal environment to encourage everyone’s contribution and build commitment. To harness the input of different perspectives and create momentum, good communication and responsiveness is key.

In these times a new paradigm of leadership has emerged to navigate our dynamic society. Good leadership today is all about having an agile outlook, being authentic, having an ability to drive growth and development as well as being able to demonstrate humanity. Possessing these competencies is what we at Alumni have chosen to call being a Sustainable Leader. Sustainable leadership not only acknowledges the complexities of our times but also offers effective solutions for the multifaceted challenges that businesses encounter. Sustainable leadership embraces a holistic approach that addresses environmental, social, and economic dimensions while fostering collaboration and driving transformation.

At Alumni we have developed processes to identify these sustainable leaders and tools to assess and develop them. Making the shift towards a sustainable form of leadership connects in its very nature to the whole organisation and leadership ecosystem.

Our Alumni Sustainable Leadership solution provides a foundation that covers key areas that enable a successful holistic transformation. From giving advice on how to integrate our Alumni Sustainable Leadership model into your organisation’s Talent Management processes, to providing evidence-based assessments of leaders and working to evaluate and develop your current leaders.

If you would like to hear more about our Alumni Sustainable Leadership solution do get in touch.



Did you know that Alumni in addition to working with top Executive Search, Interim Management and Recruitment, are also experts in the field of Leadership Assessment and Development? We are happy to help if you are looking for ways to select and grow the leaders that will boost the success of your organisation.


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Unleashing Sustainable Leadership


Leadership for the Fifth Industrial Revolution


Finding Sustainable Leadership